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Global Affiliated Regional Weather Networks

Global Affiliated Regional Weather Networks


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Temperature [ F° ] Dew Point [ F° ] Humidity [ % ] Wind [ mph ] Rain Today [ in ] Pressure [ inHg ]

[Weather, Webcam, Lightning] Weather, WebCam, Lightning, [Weather, Lightning] Weather, Lightning, [Weather, Webcam] Weather, WebCam, [Weather] Weather

This map shows the locations of current affiliated regional weather network member stations.

     Markers with numbers indicate clusters of stations - click to zoom the map to show station markers. If you click on a marker for a station, a descriptive window will open and show the station features, a link to the station"e;s homepage, the regional network affiliations for the station, and current conditions at the station (where available).

Global mesonet-map script by Saratoga-Weather.org

Regional Mesonets

Affiliated Regional Weather Networks

1354 stations in affiliated networks worldwide as of Tue, 10-Nov-2020 17:06:35 UTC

Map data from Affiliated Regional Networks and scripts from Saratoga-Weather.org.
If you have a personal weather station publishing to a personal weather website, you can submit a request to have your data included in this display by visiting the network for your geography from the list above.

Regional Networks created by Saratoga-Weather.org along with the Global Afilliated Regional Networks hub site at NorthAmericanWeather.net. [About]